Frankie Burg-Feret & Ryan Patterson

Bio: Frankie Burg-Feret is a registered nurse and professor in the Humber/UNB Collaborative Bachelor of Nursing Program - her specialty is mother and child health. She has 30 years of nursing experience working in both the clinical and academic settings. She is also the Executive Director of a small NGO; a charity committed to assisting the poor in under-resourced countries. She annually leads a medical mission to Guatemala with a team of doctors and nursing and paramedic students from Humber. The team conducts hundreds of health assessments at an orphanage as well as in clinics in rural and urban areas. Humber’s ongoing relationship with the host country enables children with poor access to health care to be screened and referred in partnership with available healthcare in Guatemala.

Ryan Patterson is a video producer and photographer in Humber’s Marketing and Communications department. A graduate of the Media Communications program, Ryan has grown Humber’s YouTube channel to over 1000 videos that document life at Humber, including program promos, student profiles and event coverage.

Abstract: During the most recent trip (February 2016), Frankie and Ryan, created a documentary that describes the student's experience of cultural humility in Guatemala and demonstrates their increased awareness of the health disparities in the global world. The documentary entitled Cultural Humility can be used as a teaching tool for those interested in the exploration of the pedagogy of the immersion experience and can also be used as a tool to introduce the concept of cultural humility into the Humber curriculum.


Teaching Practice Examples: