George Paravantes

Bio: George Paravantes is an Interaction Designer and Program Coordinator of the Multimedia Design and development Program. As a Interaction Design Instructor he offers his students a wide range of expertise in mobile UI and UX principles, web interface, motion design, and user experiences design and portfolio development.

Abstract: This project describes the design methods and analog/digital tools used to conduct usability tests within the context of interactive experiences. Usability Testing within a learning context helps student avoid "Ego First Design" and understand how users interact with an interactive experience they have created. Usability testing helps students develop a critical thinking approach to their work and an ability to justify and articulate design decisions from both quantitative and qualitative data discovered during user testing.

Additional Info:
Book: Visual Usability, 1st Edition ( Principles and Practices for Designing Digital Applications)
Book: Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design
Book: Measuring the User Experience, 2nd Edition


Teaching Practice Examples: