What does inspiration and collaboration look like in a distanced setting?
What does a music piece reacting to a physical artwork sound like?
How can animation inspire creative writing?
REACTIVATION is back! After such an amazing reaction to the original works created by Humber students in our first iteration back in the Spring we've decided to turn this project into an annual call running twice a year with the Fall and Winter semesters.
“REACTIVATION” began with reactivating our Permanent Art Collection by activating student collaboration. Taking a handful of collection artworks, we tasked a small group of student creatives to create musical works in direct reaction to these artworks; Focusing in on their initial reaction and creating work based directly on that inspiration. From there these musical pieces were given to a second group of students to react in the same way, only this time in the form of Animation or Digital Artworks. This process then repeated for a final group of students that created works in Creative Writing fields.
Click the names below to visit each artists' page to view and learn more about the works!