Nibi Bimadiziwin - water is life


Nibi Bimadiziwin

water is life

Directly, or indirectly, water affects all facets of life.  It is the centre of an intricate web of relationships, providing energy, movement, growth and change. At the same time, more than one in six people lack access to safe drinking water globally, and more than two out of six people lack adequate sanitation. In addition, on any given day, there are 110-130 First Nations under boil water advisories. If trends continue in this fashion, the situation will only get worse. By 2025, a significant portion of the world’s population may face water shortages, having detrimental impacts on the health and wellness of numerous ecosystems.

This exhibit was created to raise awareness about the importance of water and how we can work to protect and preserve it — both on campus and at home. The exhibit invites us to think about our responsibilities to water, and how our actions contribute not only to the wellness of our waterways but ultimately, the rest of the living world.