Location & Hours
Humber Polytechnic Lakeshore Campus
Room L1002
19 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive
Toronto, ON M8V 4B6
Closed for Install
There is ample paid street and Green P lot parking available around the L Space Gallery.
Humber Lakeshore Campus & L Space Gallery
By Transit, take the 507 Long Branch streetcar to Kipling Ave. Or, from Kipling Station, take either the 44 Kipling South or 944 Kipling South Express buses to Humber Polytechnic. For a more detailed list of TTC transit options please visit the TTC website
All Humber campuses are 100% wheelchair accessible.
The TTC has an Accessible Trip Planner which ensures accessible travel through the city. Check the “Accessible trip” box on the trip planner website. This will also alert you to any service advisories on your route (such as updates on elevators or escalators). You can confirm this by calling 416-539-5438 (LIFT).
From most directions in Toronto one must go through Kipling Station in order to get to L Space Gallery at the Lakeshore Campus. Kipling is accessible through an elevator located close to the 3rd car on the train. This elevator takes you to the bus platform level.
To get to Humber's Lakeshore Campus and the L Space Gallery from there, the 44 or 944 buses will take you to the Lakeshore Campus. Unfortunately, you have to backtrack a little to cross the road at the crosswalk to get to the L Building where the gallery is located. Approaching the main L Building, take the ramp down and through the main doors. The gallery is located to the right of the main doors, along a wall of glass windows.