Untitled - Ness Lee


Untitled by Ness Lee

Location: Humber Polytechnic North Campus - Town Square


Ness’ mural explores the theme of sustainability through the lens of water's transformation and its profound connection to the human body. It traces the journey of water as it transitions from a vast body to waves, tides, and finally to air, illustrating the seamless interplay between these forms. The figures depicted are intertwined with this evolving water, their flowing hair symbolizing the continuous bond between humanity and the water that sustains us. This artwork reflects the vital role of water in both our internal and external worlds, emphasizing our deep, intrinsic connection to this essential element.



Ness Lee Bio

“Ness Lee’s work is an investigation of the human form dealing with notions of intimacy and self-love. Rather than the emphasis on the physical form, the emotional resonance and presence is brought to focus in periods of vulnerability, discomfort and acceptance. Using various mediums, she explores and echoes these emotions, encompassing its tactile experience into one that is filled with a depth of feeling, playing on humourous rhythms and self-exploration.

[Their work] draws upon history and personal narratives to create tender and surreal illustrations, paintings, sculptures and installations. Exploring states of mind during intimate stages of vulnerability, Lee’s work takes form as an effort in seeking comfort, forgiveness and desire for an end of a self-perpetuated state. Based in Toronto, their work has been featured at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Agnes Etherington, The Art Gallery of Hamilton, Art Toronto, as well as galleries in Boston, Los Angeles, New York Montreal and Toronto.”

~ excerpt taken from Art Gallery of Ontario


View more of Ness' work at:

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