Carlos Bezz

[The Experience Provider], The Challenge and the Impact (series) by Carlos Bezz


Location: Humber College North Campus - B Building Courtyard Entrance

Medium: Photography

Artist Statement:

Amidst this global pandemic, many people feel powerless. There is a combination of fear, frustration, depression, anger, and anxiety. How does one get through being isolated from everyone, including family and friends? Do we just learn to live without our loved ones and shared experiences? What are our doubts about the future? 

In my photography series [The Experience Provider], The Challenge and the Impact, I looked to the past and turned my digital camera into a pinhole camera. This is an older method that usually requires a longer exposure time. Because of this process, moving subjects will be blurred, creating an almost ghost-like appearance. It felt appropriate to document my work in this way, as I believe it best captures the feelings and concerns of people living in this current climate. Constantly surrounded by masks, vaccines, and isolation (enforced and sometimes self-imposed), I was inspired by our circumstances, and wanted to depict the heaviness that comes with this new reality.  


Artist: Carlos Bezz | Humber College Photography Student

Artist Bio:

Carlos Bezz is a commercial and fine art photographer, as well as a trained graphic designer. He is focused on communicating creatively with his audiences, imparting a visual story through his images. As a photographer, Carlos has experience working in fashion and product placement, whereas in graphic design, he focuses on brand development. He is currently enrolled in the Photography program at Humber College.


See more of Carlos's work at: |