Reactivation - Accessible Links



What does inspiration and collaboration look like in a distanced setting? 

What does a music piece reacting to a physical artwork sound like?

What does an artwork look like in response to a movement piece? 


As we continue to work and adjust to this new digital world Humber Galleries wanted to explore how different disciplines inspire creation in one another while working completely separated. Bringing together a group of multi-disciplinary Humber students to help us we’ve created a new project entitled REACTIVATION.  

“REACTIVATION” begins with reactivating our Permanent Art Collection by activating student collaboration. Taking a handful of collection artworks, we tasked a small group of student creatives to create musical works in direct reaction to these artworks; Focusing in on their initial reaction and creating work based directly on that inspiration. From there these musical pieces were given to a second group of students to react in the same way, only this time in the form of Movement or Dance pieces. This process then repeated for one final group of student creatives to create works in any Physical and Digital artwork field. The result is 12 amazing original works created individually but also as a larger whole from common inspirations.


Click the links below to visit each artists' page to view and learn more about the works


PHASE 1 - Music Compositions

Matt Greenwood:

Alex Whorms:

Dhaivat Jani:

Dwit Hathi:



PHASE 2 - Movement Compositions

Cassandra Sinnaeve:

Ece Aydin:

Sophia Malbarosa:

Mina Zaghari:



PHASE 3 - Visual and Digital Artworks

Ali Brown:

Pratibha Dixit:

Wendy Tokaryk:

Lakshay Khandelwal: